Thursday, 30 July 2020

Starting with first Program!!

Before thinking of starting a very fancy project you should first begin with the classic "hello world program".

Now what is a hello world program??

We just write a program to print "hello world" and that's it.

Why do we do it?

Traditionally, Hello World programs are used to illustrate how the process of coding works, as well as to ensure that a language or system is operating correctly. They are usually the first programs that new coders learn, because even those with little or no experience can execute Hello World both easily and correctly.

How do we do it?

  • Choose the programming language in which you wanna do it
  • Download a suitable compiler for it or you can just run it on an online compiler. (Onlinegdb,Ideone,Rextester)
  • Write the code
  • Run it
  • Hurrah!! you just cleared the first step of becoming a software engineer.
Below is a sample code for hello world in python 3.8

Yes only one line of code to do it in python.
For instance in primitive language like C the code can be written as:

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