Thursday, 6 August 2020

Finding A big Factorial in c++

Problem:Objective: To find the Factorial of Numbers whose factorial is of the order 10^7.Input:

Output: The next t lines after input gives the ouput.


We are storing the factorial in parts in array indices. Instead of finding the factorial of given number we are finding the factorials of all numbers upto 100001 in their respective array indices and just print the desired facts
 By taking mod with our self defined value of 10^7 we are in a way compressing the number at each level so that are data types can hold that value.

a[i] = ((i%mod)*(a[i-1]%mod))%mod;
The above line of code is very important to understand the code.
This is the line in which through which we are compressing the number to our data type limits (long long) 

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